Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Freakin' Pinterest. I love it. And it's really helped me remain distracted the last few days. I made those 3 wreaths in the picture below and they were SUPER easy and CHEAP. I love all the ideas you can find on that site! The last few days I haven't been doing much, just sitting at home doing little crafts and things... hoping this baby comes soon!

I LOVE card making. Love it...

One of my paintings... Acrylic on Canvas

Another Acrylic on Canvas

I've always painted with my husband, but have never really shown any of my pieces. I wouldn't call myself an artist in the painting sense at all... although I do have a few really fun ideas I'm hopefully going to try after I get settled with the babe. It'll be something I've never tried before so I'm excited to see how they turn out. I'm pretty bored out of my mind these days, but I'm trying to soak it up because I know the days of boredom will soon be behind me. Send good vibes my way!

<3 Dom